
Saturday 9 January 2016

Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart 1941 - 2016...

It is with great sadness that I heard of the death of Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart earlier tonight, and with greater sadness that in all the obit's and news I've read tonight, not one mention was made of Look-in, he was with the magazine for nearly 11 years, so it was a big part of his life.  He started as a DJ of course and was introduced to Look-in readers in the first issue, with a feature about a day in his life, pretty soon he was given his own feature - Stewpot's Choice which was about interesting news and items that were about at the time, this set the tone for the bigger Stewpot's Look-out a news page telling readers about new albums, books, news about favourite TV and sports stars, finally becoming Stewpot's Newsdesk for the remainder of his tenure, becoming more of a readers page, where they could send in requests and interesting items. Stewpot finally said goodbye to Look-in on 11th April 1981, and now it's time for us to say goodbye to him in reality. It's fitting that he should die on what was Look-in's 45th anniversary, and we say a big thank you to him for being part of our story.

Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart RIP.

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