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Here is another extra issue, courtesy of Mag-a-Zone, again the full issue seems to be available only on the Facebook group HERE, it's well worth linking to, there are a huge array of comics and magazines to read, and they update very near daily. This issue is No.44 from 1981, thanks again to the guys... Cover: Cannon and Ball by Arnaldo Putzu. Strips: The Story of the Beatles (Arthur Ranson), CHiPs (Jim Baikie), Worzel Gummidge (Mike Noble), Rock on Tommy with Cannon and Ball (Bill Titcombe) and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (John M. Burns).
Sorry there was no scrapbook last week, but here is this weeks offering and it is the last of the On the Ball stuff that I have, in issue 37 of 1979 the feature changed it's name to Sports Arena, still figure-headed by Brian Moore but it covered an array of sport not just football. It still however included Sheridon's amazing drawings, so I am going to continue with this feature until it's demise. The first two features I have cover Laurie Cunningham and Kevin Keegan, so we still have a full compliment of football features this the way, No.23 of 79 there was no poster in this issue, it was an advert.
Into 1984 we go with issue No.2 including new strip Terrahawks, also here is No.42 from 1979, Starcruiser has ended, as has Dick Turpin, there is no second colour strip in this issue. Both mine both complete...
Here courtesy of our friends at Mag-a-Zone are the strips from the Look-in Comedy Annual 1974. There is a brand new Bless This House strip and an On the Buses reprint. The full issue is only on the Facebook page at the moment but will probably appear on site soon.
Look-in Comedy Annual 1974
Cover: Benny Hill, Mike and Bernie Winters, Les Dawson, Sid James and
Tommy Cooper.
Strips: Bless This House (John Cooper) and On the Buses (Harry North).
More pages for the scrapbook, here we have Trevor Francis, Brian Talbot and Ossie Ardilles amongst others, and whilst on the subject of football, good luck to my team Liverpool in the Europa League final on Wednesday, come on Reds!!!...
Just spotted this for sale on eBay, the Look-in Star Flyer, as given away with issue No.5 from 1981. It's a pretty good scan, if you were that way inclined you could print it on card, cut it out and see how it flies!, or you could just add it to your downloaded the picture...